Pedvales lappuses (Pages of Pedvale)
Drawing in Space
student sculpure 1365.JPG
Eye of the Boholder commission.jpg
Holding the Landscape2.jpg
Pages of Pedvale detail1.jpg
Djembe Soul
double trouble.jpg
long held wish.jpg
long held wish detail.jpg
long held wish detail2.jpg
La Grasse_ Intent:A tool show_Object 2.jpeg
La Grasse_Intent:A tool show_Object1.jpg
La Grasse_Intent: A tool show_ Object1 detail.jpeg
2 Tulle:Leather drawing sculpture 2016 La Grasse.jpg
3 Tulle:Leather drawing sculpture 2016 La Grasse.jpg
4 Tulle:Leather drawing sculpture 2016 La Grasse.jpg
5 Tulle:Leather drawing sculpture 2016 LaGrasse.jpg
6 Tulle:Work drawing sculpture 2016 La Grasse.jpg
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